Welcome to Richmond Naturally

I created Richmond Naturally to be a launching point for my personal views on Ecologically sound living and personal identificiation and exploration of the green culture in Richmond, Virginia.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

waterblogged stories: SHROOMS!

waterblogged stories: SHROOMS!


  1. A mushroom walks into a bar.
    He sits next to a beautiful woman and tries to pick her up.
    He gives her a few cheap lines.
    She replies "Get out of here, I don`t want anything to do with you!"
    Then the mushroom says, "What`s the matter? I`m a fun-gi!"

    yeah yeah yeah
    dumb joke LOL

  2. Oh my god! Thats way to funny!!! A pity that It took me a week to find it on the blog.

    Really thanks for adding to it.

    Any more decomposition jokes?
