Welcome to Richmond Naturally

I created Richmond Naturally to be a launching point for my personal views on Ecologically sound living and personal identificiation and exploration of the green culture in Richmond, Virginia.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall Paddle on the James River

So here is the scoop. I have been an outdoorsy kind of guy since I was in natural fiber diapers. I don’t think that pampers where invented then. Grew up in the Adirondack Mountains of New York state, and lived in and around the forest prime evil most of my life. If I lived too far from the woods, I would make it a point to re-connect as often as possible. It’s my nature to be engulfed in woods, water, and trees. Fortunately, I have been able to enjoy more of those three items more now, and it is to this end that I am planning an excursion on the mighty James River this Fall. Having never done an overnight paddle run, nor camped in the fall on an island on the James, nor as it happens spent two days on the water, I am a bit wary of my decision to do this kind of thing. Partly because I have never done it before, and partly the whole hypothermia thing has gotten me down.

So I have a clever plan. This clever plan is 50 percent going to drop the idea until combined air and water temperatures are above 110F. (example: water temp 55, air temp 55) I have been hooking up with some experienced cold weather kayakers. We have not spoken yet, but I feel that they have the keeping warm thing solid in. Again, I can do ski weather, but not water weather. That’s a “whole new kettle of fish”, as my great Aunt Hazel would say when describing something totally new.

I appeal Medina…

What do you think is essential?


  1. oh lord. help us both! lol
    When i first arrived in the Pacific Northwest after 7 years living in the Caribbean wearing little more than flip flops and swim wear, it was a shocking surprise to be introduced to the spring Willamette River. The air temps were a blustery-sideways-raining 43 degrees and the water temps were an amazing 45. To sum it all up in just four words: I WANTED TO DIE! I distinctly remembering asking my son, paddling next to me, "just kill me now, I am ready to go." $450 USD later I was outfitted by the wonderful Alder Creek at a discounted price (I think they honestly felt bad for me LOL) and could stand to paddle in water temps of 45 (not that I wasnt still whining enough that my teammates wanted to slap me). I am working on getting back on the water after a hospitalization took me off for 6 months. That means I will be padding in November. That's November in the Pacific Northwest. Whatever god you pray to, pray for me. ;-)

  2. additional note: the last time I winter camped it was December and we were near the Pacific Ocean. Amazingly, those peeps are still my friends.

  3. http://www.wendmag.com/iwend/2009/10/pushing-your-limits-a-weekend-of-wind-rain-and-kayaking/
